Rentshop from Theimer and Mager Eventequipment in Frankfurt

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For all users, that
do not need a company- (or a club-) billing adress:

For all users, that
need a special company- (or a club-) billing adress:

Your benefit as a registered customer:

- History of requests: Already sended requests could be duplicated.

- Notepad: Create and save individual notepads.

- Dispostion check: You will get shown, if the rental article is available for your event date.

- Individual rental prices: If you often rent articles, you will get a patron customer and get individual rental prices.

>> Login as a guest <<
to fill your notepad and send only one time a request to us.

>> Login as a registered customer <<
to get the following beneftis:
- History of requests
- save notepads
- Dispositioncheck
- Individual rental prices for patron customers

>> Register as a new customer <<
to get the following beneftis:
- History of requests
- save notepads
- Dispositioncheck
- Individual rental prices for patron customers
RCF Logo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main     DJ mcJay Logo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main     HK Audio Logo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main     Cameo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main