Rentshop from Theimer and Mager Eventequipment in Frankfurt

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8 rent article found.

Audio Equipment / Microphone Stands
K&M 23550 additional rail

This additional rail is able to be connected on every microphone stand and gives you the option, to use and connect 2 microphones instead of 1 microphone on one stand

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Microphone Stands
K&M 23750 microphone-angle

K&M 23750 microphone-angle, small, weight 0,3 kg, adjustable between 635 to 1600mm

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Microphone Stands
K&M 24030 microphone holding for drums

microphone holding for drums in black

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Microphone Stands
K&M 26250 Microphonestand Singlehand rou

heavy microphonestand with roundfeet and made for singlehand use

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Microphone Stands
K&M microphone stand

high weight microphone stand

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Microphone Stands
K&M table microphone stand

K&M 232BK table microphone stand; including small tube (175mm high including socket)

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Microphone Stands
K&M table stand for swan neck microphone

K&M 29376 microphone-tablecallstation

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Microphone Stands
Microphone stand small

microphone stand for example bassdrum microphone`s

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

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RCF Logo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main     DJ mcJay Logo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main     HK Audio Logo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main     Cameo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main