Rentshop from Theimer and Mager Eventequipment in Frankfurt

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7 rent article found.

Audio Equipment / Complete Sets
Set Audio 02 - LD Systems Stinger 2.1

Maximum audience of:
150 Indoor / 75 Outdoor

Cable for Notebook / Smartphone and microphone included

LD Systems Stinger 2.1 active system -Complete set- with mixer, cable for smartphone / Notebook, earphones and microphone

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Complete Sets
Set Audio 08 - Karaoke Set

Maximum audience of:
50 Indoor / 50 Outdoor

Karaoke Player, Loudspeaker up to 50 Persons and Stands, 2 Kabelmicrophones, 24" Monitor, many Karaoke Songs on USB Stick

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Complete Sets
Set Audio 14 - Behringer X32; Stagebox

Behringer X32 Digitalmixer; 1x 50m CAT cable; 1x 75m CAT cable; 1x Behringer S32 Stagebox; WIFI Router; Tablet with X32 App

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Complete Sets
Set Audio 15 - Behringer X32C; Stagebox

Behringer X32 Compact Digitalmixer; 1x 50m CAT cable; 1x Behringer S16 Stagebox; WIFI Router; Tablet with X32 App

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Complete Sets
Set Notebookadaptercable

Prevention of electronic influence.

Needed to connect a Notebooks/IPod/IPhone/MP3 with the Main PA and to terminate the disturbing noises. Connection from the Headphone output at the devices (3,5mm Jack).

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Complete Sets
Set sound 01 - RCF Evox JMix8 + wireless

Maximum audience of:
80 Indoor / 40 Outdoor

Cable for Notebook / Smartphone and wireless microphone includedelle:

RCF Evox JMix8 active system -Complete set- with integrated mixer, cable for smartphone / Notebook and wireless handheld microphone

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Complete Sets
Set Sound 04 - Drum kit microphone Set

Drum decline set

4x Shure Sm 57, 2x Clockaudio C600, 1x AKG D112, 1x Beyerdynamic Opus 67, microphone stands / drumclamps; cables

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

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RCF Logo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main     DJ mcJay Logo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main     HK Audio Logo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main     Cameo at the rental shop of Theimer and Mager dry hire in Frankfurt am Main