Rentshop from Theimer and Mager Eventequipment in Frankfurt

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5 rent article found.

Light Equipment / Complete Sets
Set Licht 04.1 - MiniTubeV2 (8pcs)Box Se

Total power consumptionQuelle: 0 Watt -> AKKU (rechargeable battery) use (up to 10+ hours!)Quelle:

8x Ape Labs Mini V2 rechargeable battery light with 10° lense; 8x Ape Labs Tube V2 AddOn with 360° angle of beam; 1x remote control; incl. Connect; 1x transport / charging case; 1x Nylon Transport bag for 8x Tube V2Quelle:

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Light Equipment / Complete Sets
Set Light 01 - DJ GigBar Move Plus ILS

Total power consumption: 248 Watt

Chauvet DJ GigBar Move Plus ILS, 5-in-1 System; with 2x Movingheads, 2x RGBAW+UV Spots, 4x Strobe, 2x Derby, 1x Laser; Footcontrol; Gravity stand; power cable

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Light Equipment / Complete Sets
Set Light 04.0 - Mini V2 (8er)Box Set

Total power consumptionQuelle: 0 Watt -> AKKU (rechargeable battery) use (up to 10+ hours!)Quelle:

8x Ape Labs Mini V2 rechargeable battery light with 10° lense; 1x remote control; incl. Connect; 1x transport / charging caseQuelle:

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Light Equipment / Complete Sets
Set light 06.1 - Maxi V2 (6pcs)Box Set

Total power consumptionQuelle: 0 Watt -> AKKU (rechargeable battery) use (up to 14+ hours!)Quelle:

6x Ape Labs Maxi V2 rechargeable battery light with 15° lense; 1x remote control; incl. Connect; 1x transport / charging caseQuelle:

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Light Equipment / Complete Sets
Set light 07.0 - Astera AX3 (8pc)Box Set

Total power consumptionQuelle: 0 Watt -> AKKU (rechargeable battery) use (up to 20 hours!)

8x AX3 LightDrop Akku (rechargeable) lights; 1x ARC1 rem.control; 1x ART7 WDMX with DMX adapter and 1x Tablet with Astera App complete in a case; all available diffusors for AX3 LightDrop; 1x Charging Case AX3; 8x adapter bolt for Manfrotto Superclamps

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

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