Rentshop from Theimer and Mager Eventequipment in Frankfurt

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4 rent article found.

Audio Equipment / Mixer FOH
Behringer X32 Compact Digitalmixer

16 Analog Mix channels, 8 Analog Outputs, 1 Master Fader, 8 Stereo FX Return, 6 Matrix Busse with Insert, 6 Mute Groups, 8 DCA Groups, Digital Multicore Out

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Mixer FOH
Behringer X32 Digitalmixer

32 Analog Mix channels, 16 Analog Outputs, 1 Master Fader, 8 Stereo FX Return, 6 Matrix Busse with Insert, 6 Mute Groups, 8 DCA Groups, Digital Multicore Out

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Mixer FOH
LD Systems VIBZ 8 DC

small Band/Live Mixer with effects: 4 Mono-, 1 Stereo channel; 1 Aux Send; 1 Effect Send ; 3 Band-EQ for each channel; 1 Insert-Way; 4 Mono-channels able to use as stereo channels; 2 channels with compressor, incl. Poweradapter

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Audio Equipment / Mixer FOH

small Band/Live mixer with effectprozessor; 4 Mono-, 1 stereo channel; 1 Aux Send; 1 effect send; 7 band Master EQ; 3 Band-EQ for each channel; 1 Insert; 2 mono-channels could be used alternative as stereo channels;

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

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