Rentshop from Theimer and Mager Eventequipment in Frankfurt

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3 rent article found.

Stagetechnics / Outdoor Stage
Foldable Pavillion (tent) black, 3m x 3m

Foldable Pavillion (tent) in black 3m x 3m x 1,90m up to 2,10m passing height; 3,10m up to 3,30m firstheight; 2 side walls closed; 2x side walls with 1,50m door; 4x steelweights; 2x transport bags

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Stagetechnics / Outdoor Stage
Stage roof 7m x 5m single pitch roof

Roof canvas in grey, Gaze on sides and at the back, 2x watertanks, Outer- (Inner-)dimensions min.: Height front 4,56m (4,26m) / Height back 3,70m (3,40m) / Width 7m (6,40m) / Depth 5m (4,40m), Floor space required inc. watertanks: Width 10m / Depth 6m

This rental article could only be rent with additional service for build up and dismounting!Quelle:

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

Stagetechnics / Outdoor Stage
Trailer Stage Stagemobil XL

Stage dimension 8m x 6,1m, height of stage 1,20m - 1,40m, clear height 4,10m, total height about 6,30m (incl. Structurebook), roof load 1050kg (300kg with roof move), 2x 300kg PA-Wings

This rental article could only be rent with additional service for build up and dismounting!

hire per workingday incl. 19% Tax

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